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Teacher Development
Creation, implementation and evaluation of a program to strengthen the development of emotional and social skills in diverse early childhood education classrooms – UCU
Executed by:
Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Granted amount:
USD 28,110
This research project focuses on the creation, implementation and evaluation of a program specifically designed to strengthen emotional and social skills in early childhood education centers in Uruguay. The program takes into account the diversity of the rooms and it is adapted to the local context and it includes teacher training for its effective implementation. It seeks to provide educators with basic training that allows them to use the intervention tool in an accessible and efficient way. To evaluate the impact of the program, a quantitative methodology with a quasi-experimental approach will be used. Social and executive skills will be assessed between a group exposed to the program and another that has not been part of this intervention.
The amount indicated as granted to each program is the one approved by Fundación ReachingU Board of Directors. The funds that each organization receives may differ due to adjustments made to the programs or variations in the exchange rate.