Some of the photographs included here are for illustration purposes only.
Educational Experiences
Right to Learn: Intervention Program to Strengthen Instrumental Skills and Complete Educational Trajectories of Adolescents – Fe y Alegría
Executed by:
Fe y Alegría Uruguay
Granted amount:
USD 30,000
Tutoring Programs

The tutoring program seeks to guarantee the right to learn for 30 adolescents in the Aeroparque area (Canelones) by strengthening instrumental skills. The psycho pedagogical intervention for the strengthening of cognitive processes will be the central focus of this project. They will work on 3 weekly interventions to improve literacy, reading comprehension and study techniques, with standardized assessments to monitor progress. Educational agreements will be made to plan with each adolescent their own goals and the personalized support that they will get. At the same time, workshops are organized to develop social skills and to work with families and their teachers.
The amount indicated as granted to each program is the one approved by Fundación ReachingU Board of Directors. The funds that each organization receives may differ due to adjustments made to the programs or variations in the exchange rate.