Some of the photographs included here are for illustration purposes only. 


Teacher Development
PIAM Certificate Program: Intervention practices in multicomponent literacy. Teaching and learning how to read and its difficulties

Executed by:

Universidad Católica del Uruguay

Granted amount:

USD 33,941




Training and re-skilling
The program "Intervention Practices in Multicomponent Literacy (PIAM). Teaching and learning how to read and its difficulties" focuses on developing tools to strengthen the reading competence of all students. It aims to update the training of teachers, education psychologists, speech therapists and other experts involved in the children’s and adolescents’ literacy. It aims to democratize access to the best available scientific evidence on literacy through a practice-centered approach.

The amount indicated as granted to each program is the one approved by Fundación ReachingU Board of Directors. The funds that each organization receives may differ due to adjustments made to the programs or variations in the exchange rate.