Teacher Training
PRADEU primary lines of action (Promotion Program for the Development of University-level Teaching): strategic lines 1B and 2

Program executed by:

Consejo de Formación en Educación

Amount granted:

USD 18,000


2,500 students from teaching careers, 320 teachers of Didactics of 4th year of Teacher Training, Teachers of Didactics, representatives of the Institute of Education Sciences, Teaching Assistants and management teams of the co-training institutions (practice centers).


2: Programs to be implemented in a center or educational community
Within the framework of this project, for the first time a study was carried out in Uruguay that allowed to highlight what are the key skills that senior students (4th year) from the careers of Early Childhood Teacher, Elementary School Teacher, Middle and High School Teacher and Technical Teacher developed throughout their studies and what are the main gaps in their training. With this data it is intended to have updated information that can be used as input for decision-making that directly contributes to the improvement of the Degree Training of students. Within the framework of the educational transformation process that is being carried out in Uruguay, these data will be fundamental to respond to the challenges that this process might involve: -How to read the new educational proposals -How to make them concrete at the level of training institutions -How to impregnate these spaces of learning, training, teaching and evaluation with the proposed innovations

The amount indicated as granted to each program is the one approved by Fundación ReachingU Board of Directors. The funds that each organization receives may differ due to adjustments made to the programs or variations in the exchange rate.