Dear friends of ReachingU:
I hope this message finds you and your loved ones well. Like everybody else, this crisis has made us rethink our mediate goals and actions. From the beginning of the pandemic we have wondered about the role and contribution of ReachingU. The answer, as always, was that we had to be close to the organizations we support, providing all our experience and resources in the most efficient manner. Faced with this challenge, we committed to focus all of our capabilities in helping them surpass these extra hurdles in the best way possible. The populations we support are even more vulnerable these days. Hence, we are working with the beneficiary organizations to revise the projects we are funding this year and adapt them to the new reality. In addition, we organized many other actions and activities that we share below to increase our contribution to our country, Uruguay. It is together that we will find the best way out of this crisis. Let us keep in touch. Cheers, Fernanda Guliak | Executive Director | ReachingU
These are simple measures, which combined with others, can save lives..
The manual will be distributed to the organizations that ReachingU supports and, through our partnership with @CanastasUY, it will be reaching thousands of vulnerable homes.
Having completed this first stage that required an urgent reaction, at ReachingU we saw the importance of starting to plan and implement some actions.
Together with the UNESCO Office in Montevideo, we present these roadmaps for principals, teachers, families, students and activities.
They were developed by Jimena Folle, teacher, education consultant and teaching advisor focused in Early Childhood.
We hope they will help all the education stakeholders as they begin to design their own paths.
Because this exceptional challenge demands the work of us all, we have joined the campaign “Nos cuidamos entre todos” to support the health system in Uruguay.
Through the Charidy platform and PayPal, ReachingU raised US$193,590, which will be used to purchase 387,000 masks of the total of the 2,000,000 to be provided by #NosCuidamosEntreTodos.
These masks will be donated to the public health system, to provide it with more resources to deal with the pandemic.
The campaign #NosCuidamosEntreTodos has already raised over $5,000,000 and it is audited by CPA Ferrere & Brum Costa Abogados in Uruguay.
Tester to certify ventilators recovered
We also joined Nos Cuidamos entre Todos to get the funding to purchase a tester to certify respirators recovered by the School of Engineering (Universidad de la República).
The Hospital de Clínicas received nine mechanical ventilators that were repaired by a group of professional volunteers, teachers and students from that school.