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Teacher Development
Didactics and Practice: the foundation and identity of the teaching profession – CFE
Executed by:
Education Training Council (CFE)
Granted amount:
USD 40,000
Training and re-skilling
In teacher training, Didactics plays an identity role: it provides conceptual frameworks that enable reflection on teaching, learning and the resignifications that need to be built around them. In this field of knowledge, there are contributions from the Educational Sciences, specific knowledge from other sciences, artistic knowledge and, fundamentally, professional practice. This program designed by the Council for Training in Education (CFE) aims to resignify Didactics and teaching practice in the current context of teacher training, analyzing their formative meanings and the importance of each actor and context that participate in it, and promoting the practice of formative research. The program is aimed at teachers of Didactics from the different careers of the CFE and teachers from the different subsystems of the national public system.
The amount indicated as granted to each program is the one approved by Fundación ReachingU Board of Directors. The funds that each organization receives may differ due to adjustments made to the programs or variations in the exchange rate.