Carlos is the principal at High School Nº 3 in Fray Bentos since 2008. There, together with the teaching staff, he developed an innovative method to manage the institution based on the principles of collaborative working, the theory of Learning Styles, smart organizations, games, and technology. The team called it “Multipurpose Pedagogies”.
By implementing their proposal, the team led by Carlos helps their students become main players in building up their own knowledge, share their joy of learning, and enjoy life with their peers and within the community. Thanks to this innovative approach, High School Nº 3 in Fray Bentos achieved results that are very superior to their 2021 students’ national graduation average.
The jury highlighted the “great impact” of Carlos’ project and agreed on the fact that he gathers the characteristics they are looking for in an “educational leader”. Carlos’ leadership meant a revolution for High School Nº 3 in Fray Bentos and had “very clear performance and learning goals”.
Vice President of the Republic Beatriz Argimón conferred the prize and emphasized that teachers are “defined by constant commitment”. In this sense, she stated that the prize “is a great tribute”, and she thanked the ReachingU Foundation for “creating this instance to know the experiences of the teachers all over the country”.
The event also highlighted the participation of the finalist teachers: Verónica Martínez, School Nº 61 in Montevideo; Laura Marinoff, School Nº 31 in Trinidad, Flores; Silbina Mieres, High School Nº 11 in Montevideo; and Victoria Suárez, High School Nº 2 in Dolores, Soriano.