Teacher training
The permanent and continuous training of the education professional is central to ensure effective educational practices that result in quality learning for students. In times where changes are constant, the importance of strengthening the skills and dispositions of teachers is a crucial aspect to increase the professionalization of the teaching career.
The programs of this strategic area aim at the development and improvement of skills related to effective intervention in different teaching and learning situations, both individually and in groups and in any educational cycle.
PRADEU primary lines of action (Promotion Program for the Development of University-level Teaching): strategic lines 1B and 2
Education Training Council (Consejo de Formación en Educación -CFE-)
PIAM Certification program: Intervention practices in multicomponent literacy. Teaching and learning how to read and its difficulties
Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Master’s degree in Educational Management (2nd year courses for the graduates of the Certification program in Educational Planning and Management in the framework of deep learning)
Universidad ORT Uruguay
Certification program in Teaching Skills for Inclusion
Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Certificate on “Inclusive Education on Motor Disability”
Fundación Teletón